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The Triangle Clean Cities Coalition, established in 1999 and officially designated by the US Department of Energy in 2001, operates within the Region J area of North Carolina, encompassing Moore, Chatham, Orange, Durham, Wake, Johnston, and Lee counties. Its primary mission is to enhance air quality and diminish reliance on petroleum by advocating for alternative transportation fuels. Through collaboration with fleet managers, governmental officials at local and state levels, fuel and vehicle providers, as well as concerned citizen groups, the coalition endeavors to propel North Carolina towards a more sustainable future.

With a focus on facilitating the attainment of objectives by its coalition members, the Triangle Clean Cities staff offers crucial support in the form of grant funding, technical expertise, and opportunities for networking.

Furthermore, Triangle Clean Cities operates under the umbrella of the Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG), which serves a diverse seven-county region. TJCOG fosters collaboration among local governments, stakeholders, and partners, addressing challenges that transcend jurisdictional boundaries.